Thursday, September 8, 2011

Comparing Breast Medela and Lansinoh milk storage bags

!9# Comparing Breast Medela and Lansinoh milk storage bags

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With more mothers have to go to work almost immediately after birth, is that mothers with a single provider of childcare or a working mother who called her husband home, has something to do with them that their child gets the right support provided at work. Breast milk storage bags and pumps up to this you can be there when the mother is not helping.

The Medela milk storage bag has to be pumped directly into and then storedfor future use makes them very comfortable. These 5 oz bags are the perfect size to feed a baby. If you use more than 5 ounces a feeding, then fills it half way works just as well and saves on the thawing time too.

If you need more milk storage, Lansinoh bag holds up to 10 grams and has a double zipper closure. This bag makes it much safer for freezing purposes and reduces the likelihood of waste. The only problem is that the bag Lansinohcan not directly into the Medela bags can be pumped.

There have been reports of both types of bags lost, but later it was learned that this was due to overcrowding. Since the freezing point of an expansion of the liquid causes, this would be a bag that was used in this way occur. Of the two has a better closure of the bag Lansinoh for freezing and storage of large capacity.

While both of their pockets and disadvantage have their good qualities, it is ultimately up to you the user. Convenience ofMedela pumps directly as an offer or closing the secure storage and a greater ability to Lansinoh bag. The choice is yours.

Comparing Breast Medela and Lansinoh milk storage bags

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