Inverted Nipples is a condition whereby either one or both nipples can appear as a slit, hole or depression at the site of the nipple. The larger surrounding area known as the areola is normally unaffected. This condition is thought to affect between 5 and 10 percent of women. The condition can cause anxiety and often become a source of embarrassment going forward into adult life. Thankfully, with the advent of fine surgical techniques it is now possible to correct the inversion and importantly preserve sensitivity and the ability for the milk ducts to function as normal in a large number of cases. Of course, as with any surgical procedure there is a chance that the result may not be completely as both the client and surgeon would desire. In some cases sensitivity is lost and or the milk producing ducts can be damaged rendering them dysfunctional.
One of our customers recently contacted us to ask advice regarding the aftercare of her nipples as she had just had corrective surgery to overcome long-term nipple inversion. This lady was very pleased with the early outcome of her nipple correction and expressed her glee at having normal looking nipples for the first time in many years. However, she had been advised by her health care team not to wear a regular bra for the first few weeks (at least), as this would exert pressure upon her newly liberated nipples, possibly interfering with their healing and ideal positioning or placement. Of course, we could see the dilemma here as this is not only a delicate procedure but also that the nipples would tend to be rather sensitive and enlarged during the early days or weeks after such a procedure. The simple advice of 'not wearing a bra' was of course sound but impractical, especially when one is aiming to get back into a normal working / daily routine. In order to afford valuable protection from the pressure that would be exerted by wearing a regular bra and of course to avoid any potential risk from snagging, we advised her to try a little gizmo called Medela Breast Shells. These are ideal for such an application. Basically, the contoured shape of the Breastshells enables them to be hidden and concealed within the bra giving no clue to their placement. The centrally positioned hole in the back plate is large enough to be positioned completely over the nipple (which actually encourages the nipple to protrude rather than pushing down on them), whilst the detachable outer cover prevents the bra from making any contact, shielding the nipple(s) completely. The 'Breastshells' are ventilated to encourage valuable airflow keeping a healthy, non sweaty environment for the nipple(s) to continue healing whilst one goes about one's regular daily activities.
If surgical correction does not appeal, there is always the option to use a device known as the Niplette. This device can in most cases provide a complete remedy for inverted nipples. Worn secretly concealed within the bra and covered by small soft pads (as supplied). Small thimble shaped plastic cups are attached to the nipples, air is withdrawn to cause a vacuum and the nipple is pulled out into a position where it is held erect. this process is continued for several hours a day until the desired result is achieved.
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